• Your Christian Life Coach

    Last Letter of Revelations : Church of Laodicea

    Jesus is the ruler of God’s Creation.  There are claimed believers in Jesus that are neither hot nor cold. They are lukewarm.  He says, ” I am about to spit you out…” You live comfortably, you think you have everything you need, think of yourself as rich, blessed.  But according to this letter, you are poor, wretched, BLIND and naked.  Prepare yourself to be refined in FIRE. It’s the only way to potentially at this point to get your white robe.  God rebukes and disciplines those He loves.  Be Earnest. Repent.  Jesus is knocking, you need to open that door completely and continually.  Digest HIS word, let it be the…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    6th Letter: Church of Philadelphia, Finally Some Good News!

    The word Philadelphia means “Brotherly Love.” An Angel wrote this letter too as instructed by Jesus to do so. The Words are holy and true from the one that holds the “key of David.” ( For unbelieving Jews this should spark some interest) I love this: ” What Jesus opens no one can shut and what he shuts no one can open.” I often pray, ” God open doors that need to be open and shut doors that need to be shut.”  I was unaware that what I was saying aligned with the Letter to the Philadelphia church in the book Revelations. But definitely cool.  Jesus says in this letter…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    6th Letter: Church of Sardis: Revelations

    Jesus instructed angel of the church of Sardis to write what John saw.  Sardis: Modern City of Turkey, capitol of Lydian Empire 7th Century B.C. Trade Routes, Great location on Aegean Sea. 1st City to mint gold and silver coins! Sardis was the richest kingdom known for luxury and lifestyle. Polytheistic society: Cybele, Artemis, Kore.  The Roman’s came to worship the very fertile goddess of Cybele after lead poisoning caused mass infertility issues in Rome. The water, make-up, paint and medicines are just a few areas where lead was exposed causing infertility in masses of women. Cybele was thought to be raped by Zeus, he was unable to penetrate and…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    5th Letter to Church of Thyatira: Revelations

    Background: Continuation of the Vision or Visitation that John had in Patmos Island. One thing right away struck me, Did the Angel write this, not John? “To the angel of the church in Thyatira, write.” HMMMM interesting. For some reason, they mention Jesus’s eyes of blazing fire and feet of bronze. ( Harsh judgment? Unshakable strength? )  Jesus commend them for improvement.  They were doing more than in the beginning.  These are the things that Jesus is looking at: God is constantly searching hearts and minds. Deeds- Each will be repaid according to their deeds.  Love Faith Service Perseverance- Hold unto what you have until Jesus returns, you will be…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    4th Letter to Church: Pergamum Revelations

    Background: John, the disciple, had a vision and angel visitation on Patmos Island. They were told to write everything they see for that time and future generations.  Wow, this church was situated in the area of Satan’s throne, as described by Jesus Himself. City of Pergamum: Ancient Greek City in Turkey Aegean region, just 16 miles NW of Modern city of Bergama in Izmir Province. It is situated on top of a hill overlooking the Bakirday Plain, Overlooks Caicus- Bakir River Valley.  It was a major cultural and intellectual center for the Hellenistic Period. This area was very important to the Romans, Byzantines and Ottoman Turks until abandoned.  There were…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Revelation: 1st Letter: Church of Ephesus

    Country star John Rich recently revealed God inspired him to write his latest single, “Revelation.”  In an  interview with Tucker Carlson, the country music star revealed his new song was inspired by the prophecies of the Apostle John in the final book of the Bible.  The interview was thought provoking and inspired me to get back into Revelations to dissect the warnings.  This is my best summary of the first warning letter to the church of Ephesus.  Setting stage: An angel was sent to John to confirm his vision. The book of Revelations states.  Blessed is anyone who reads this prophecy, who hears and takes to heart the message. Reminds…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Carrying You Through Fear

    The Stetson Man is 4 months, 6 days today. He has received his distemper and parvo vaccinations and now he is free to leave our safe space near our home. He can go on a walk to the sidewalk across the street. With all my border collies, the most beloved time was our walks together enjoying the hills and bonding with neighbors and nature. We had been walking him to the tree about 300 feet down our driveway and turning back home while we waited for the immunity to kick into these deadly diseases. Finally, we have some freedom to roam. Stetson trusts me but not enough that it overcomes his…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Pop Goes the Weasel – Perhaps A PROPHETIC Warning.

    Why am I up Father? It’s 2:30am. (2.12.2024) I began to write. My writing was being prompted by words in the bible then all of the sudden I wrote, ” Pop, Pop, Pop, One Corner, two corner, three and four. Pop Goes the Weasel. ” In my mind, I could see a map of the United States with “weasel type” events popping up all over. But then, I was prompted to look up the nursery rhyme. What does it mean?  The main thing I want you to consider is you have 123 days from now, until June 14, 2024, to prepare. What really woke me up in the wee hours…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    #13 Jesus instructions on giving, praying, fasting.

    There is a lot to unpack in Jesus’s instruction’s on giving, praying and fasting. But it all boils down to intentions and not wanting to impress others with your so called “goodness” or “theatrics of goodness.”  We’ve all seen the movies with the socialite who is involved with charities for clout and connection, to be seen as the elite, able to give large amounts, in a class of their own.  They bid large sums at auctions scanning around the room to see whose watching. These types are quick to brag or make hints that they gave generously.  We’ve seen the people that backwards brag while fasting by complaining about how…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    12th Commandment of Jesus: Be Perfect

    Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5: 48 My grandmama, used to say, ” There was only one perfect one, and they crucified Him. ”  That is so true. None of us are perfect, and achieving spiritual perfection is not attainable. We can certainly try our hearts out.  Where we fall short,  the work of the cross cleans and empowers us to get closer to perfection. Life is about learning lessons, improving and becoming spiritually more mature. If you do not have a deep relationship with Jesus, if you are not  truly walking with him, if your life does not reflect His image, well you will…