Watch Out for the Spirit of Entitlement
Lately, my husband and I have been disappointed with all the people who have a sense of entitlement. Sometime it surfaces with people thinking they are “better” who pull rank or position to show superiority over others. Sometimes entitlement comes with people who expect and think they deserve special treatment or favors. We run into the spirit of entitlement even when being charitable. There are people who feel they are entitled to: help, money, services and your time. Entitled people are masters of manipulations and getting their way, even disguising with cleaver wording or phrasing in a way to get the most assistance. More and more, people think they have a right to something, a mentality of : “I deserve. ” Self-entitlement surfaces in many forms, frankly it’s a mindset that is very similar to a self-absorbed teenager.
Many people have unrealistic demands for people, and are oblivious that their demands or wants are inconveniences to others. We have to stop disregarding others and not respecting others time, talent and possessions. We should never think we deserve anything. If we are not careful our entitled sentiments could quickly turn into full blown narcissism.
Entitled people often ask you to shift to accommodate their needs, but rarely offer a favor or a shift to accommodate your needs. Somehow the “entitled” justify as to why they should have special treatment or a certain privilege. Sadly, they assume you will help and cater to them, even taken advantage of the kindhearted.
When you do stand your ground , and the self-entitled people don’t get their way, you often see child like behaviors like: pouting, a cold shoulder, fits and/or outbursts. A lot of this “entitled” behavior is birthed from childhood from misguided parenting.
Parents & grandparents, we should be on high alert to stop raising children who have a sense of entitlement. When we raise children that think the entire home experience or “world” experience is all about their needs, we are in essence raising the next generation which will act like this: lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good,… ( 2 Timothy 3: 2)
More and more, I’m seeing children being allowed to dictate what parents do, don’t do and even eat. Kids are relentless. Children are masters of gaining control, power and getting their way with: tears, tantrums, fits, whining, complaining, and debating. Children are dictating what they eat and don’t eat too, refusing to eat more nutritious foods and demanding sugary snacks.
It’s often easier for tired parents to just give in, instead of discipling and standing on firm ground. We must stand strong for what is: fair, in the child’s best health interest and what is right. We are the parents. In the long run, it’s worth the battle. Your children will respect you and become better person.
When we do punish, we are too quick to caudle and soothe the child. Frankly, sometimes all of us need to sit in our mistakes to learn and grow. Discipline comes first. Let the wrong sink in. Then, the lesson is reinforced by the parent. Then, comes compassion, mercy and love. It’s okay to let our kids cry and sit and time out longer. The bible has much to say about the importance of discipline and that it is indeed a form of love.
If we are not careful, we will raise the next generation of people with a mentality of ” I deserve.” Frankly, we deserve nothing. We do not deserve the grace of our Father either. It is a gift, a cherished gift that should not be taken for granted. It’s our job to think of others first. We should be kind to others, but we also need to set healthy boundaries to protect ourselves from the “entitled.” As well as examine all areas of our lives to see if we are too big for our britches.
Scriptures to Consider:
Luke 14: 10
But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests.
We should not have a mind-set that we deserve the “best seat in the house.” Be humble. Expect nothing, receive more.
Matthew 19: 30: But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
The servants heart will be blessed and honored.
- Examine yourself daily. Do you think you deserve something? Do you expect certain actions from people?
- Have you acted out when someone didn’t do what you expected them to do?
- Has someone else around you seemed entitled?
- Watch your parenting, are you letting the little ones control?
- Pray that the spirit of entitlement leaves in the name of: Yahshua ( Jesus) from your house, your mind, your family, the situation, a person, work and so forth. Pray that the Holy Spirit helps give you a compassionate, servants heart one that is free from any form of entitlement.