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Revelation: 1st Letter: Church of Ephesus

Country star John Rich recently revealed God inspired him to write his latest single, “Revelation.” 

In an  interview with Tucker Carlson, the country music star revealed his new song was inspired by the prophecies of the Apostle John in the final book of the Bible.  The interview was thought provoking and inspired me to get back into Revelations to dissect the warnings. 

This is my best summary of the first warning letter to the church of Ephesus. 

Setting stage: An angel was sent to John to confirm his vision. The book of Revelations states. 

  1. Blessed is anyone who reads this prophecy, who hears and takes to heart the message.
  2. Reminds us that we are made to be 1 Kingdom, and each of us are to be priests who serve God.
  3. One day, you will look to the clouds every eye even non-believers, including Jesus denying Jews will mourn. 

John was honored for his suffering and patient endurance. He heard a trumpet behind him on the Sabbath, God’s day of rest. He was told to write what he saw. He saw Jesus standing between 7 golden lampstands, which represent the 7 churches. 

Jesus appeared looking like: 

  1. Robe to his feet with gold sash– royalty
  2. Hair White like Wool- ( possible symbolism: holiness, purity, wise, dignified) What came to me is fed up with our ways, a symbol of reached maximum stressed from our actions.
  3. Eyes like Blazing Fire ” a flame of fire”-a mesmerizing effect on us. Looking intently at the churches.
  4. Feet Bronze like a furnace– represents, suffering and sacrifice, judgment- He will eventually defeat any human plans to oppose God’s character. 
  5. Voice the sound of rushing waters- a powerful deafening voice to be feared.
  6. Tongue Sharp double-edged sword= word is active, piercing the division of the soul, can be used to heal or hurt, use these words to ignite the course of your life. His words have authority.

John fell at Yahshua’s ( Jesus) feet almost as if he was dead in fear. Jesus said, “I am the first and the last living one, I was dead and behold I am alive forever. ” 

Jesus said: 

  1. Holds the keys to our destination in death, including the keys to Hades known as the underworld. So according to Revelations, hell is real. 

He instructed John to write what will take place in the future. 

Background of Ephesus

This is a great chart on the background:

Population: Located in Turkey: 250,000, 4th greatest city in the world at the time behind Rome, Alexandria Egypt and Antioch of Syria. This city was the gateway to Asia. Relevant about 15-20 years after Jesus died.

Main Worshipped Deity: Artemis: Goddess of Fertility, birth, hunting and archery. Compared to Egyptians ISIS, Roman goddess Diana. 

Temple of Artemis: One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 

Commercial Center: Known as a commercial center to share gospel, The Way through Yahshua.

Worship/Traditions/ Festivals: March-April had athletic competition, musical and theatrical plays, processions between cities carrying gold and silver images of Artemis to the Temple of Artemis, sacrificed animals, dancing, drinking and sexual perversion.  The main statute may have been made from a black meteorite as it is said she may have fallen from the sky.

Good Deeds of Ephesus Church: We should replicate

  1. Hard work and perseverance
  2. Does not tolerate wickedness or hypocrisy in those who claim to be apostles. They call out falsehoods and fakes in those that claim to be believers-followers.
  3. Endured hardships for the name of Jesus.
  4. Hate Practices of Nicolaitans. 

Who are the Nicolaitans, what are their characteristics? 

This word means “destruction of people” Nicolas was first selected for good characteristics to be a leader just like Phillip and others. He unfortunately fell into false teachings. He used the name of Jesus for commercial financial gain, dominance and control. Just as the Pagans used gods to generate wealth, the Nicolaitans embraced a system of hierarchy where they ruled over the lives of faithful members, pressuring them to submit or be excommunicated. There are many big churches that do this. I once ministered to a poor widow who was being bullied into giving at her church when she herself could not afford shoes for her daughter. 

An example of a Nicolaitan Mindset:

Catholic Church Counsel of Trent in 1545 and 1563

“If anyone shall say there is not the Catholic Church a hierarchy established by divine ordination, consisting of bishops, presbyters and ministers, let them be anathema.” ( excommunicated) 

Wrongs of Church of Ephesus and Warnings from reading to Us: 

  1. Repent, you cannot continue to do anything that you did before you were saved. If you do not repent, stop your old actions, Jesus will remove your lampstand. 
  2. Do not dominant, hurt, or take advantage or belittle people with hierarchy systems in the church.
  3. Do not use the name of Jesus for financial gain.


  1. Do you see any churches or your churches who seem to be using church as a way to accrue wealth?
  2. Do you see politics, rank, titles being used in church to overpower or dominate? 
  3. Do you know of someone who started off pure in their walk, but has fallen into false doctrine? 

Pray: Please take some time to pray over our churches in America, pray for certain Pastors that you feel are backsliding. Pray that you too would overcome the pagan and Satan influenced world you live in- that you would have strength, patience and endurance at the Church of Ephesus endured. 

Repent: Ask God what you need to refine and redefine in His image.

I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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