He Reveals Truth to Babes….
Yahusha picked simple men or men with thick skin to be on his team of disciples. He did not personally pick educated men or Pharisees or Sadducees. His first pick were two fisherman. You do not have to have a degree in Theology for the Spirit of Truth to teach you. You do not have an IQ of 228 to understand the scriptures. All you need is the heart to learn and to pray as Solomon did asking for wisdom and discernment. Teachers, Preachers, Pastors and Ministers many times add to scripture with learned commentary or they go along with what they know is wrong to keep the pews filled. Tradition is a…
Ezekiel Reveals More to the 3rd Commandment!
We’ve all heard the commandments and #3 is : “You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord will not hold blameless anyone who takes His name in vain.” This is just one version of that commandment, each one is slightly different. But most of us think it only means not to use the word God while cursing or anger or in jest. Upon my research, I realize that none of us are 100% sure on how to pronounce the true name of our Creator. We know that the word God is just a title and many religions use that word to describe…
July 16th, Four Pages Poured Out of Me after Reading Ezekiel….
While reading Ezekiel on July 16,2016 for some reason I felt led to write this. This poured out of me after my quiet time with the Father. Does it mean something? I do not know. But I felt led to share. Before I share the down pour of writing…I want to give you a little backstory of some happenings… The other day, I was talking to a friend about a man that wanted to sell all his properties. I got off the phone and began to pray. I prayed for God to tell me if I needed to prepare anything. I prayed that I did not want to be anxious…
Believers Feel Something is Happening in the World….
So it’s June 30, 2016, and we see that Israel is making peace agreement and business deal with Turkey, which John in the book of Revelations calls Satan’s throne. Are we not aware once again the serpent with cunning cleverness will beautifully package a bad deal to make it appear something good? What drives this deal? Money. They recently found off the coast of Egypt a huge gas field which is easier to extract than Israel’s Leviathan field. So Israel has urgency to make gas deals with other countries first. Egypt will not need their gas with such a find. And the competition in the region will cause gas prices…
More than “Crossed” Paths
So many are sad over the holidays because loved ones have passed. If you or someone you know, needs reassurance, read this amazing story of divine connection and confirmation. This story is one of those stories like the movie God’s Not Dead, where all the characters are interwoven by the Commander in Chief, God (YHWH) Himself. This life is not it, and God is very real. He is also the great comforter to those that mourn. I will take you back about 9 months or longer. I was helping a Single Mother of 4, she was struggling. I had planned to go to the grocery store to take food over…
Did You Know Jesus Celebrated Hanukkah?
Did you know that Jesus celebrated Hanukkah? Most Christians don’t have a clue that their Messiah celebrated this holiday! In fact, this holiday is not noted in the Torah or Old Testament, but rather in the book of John, in the New Testament! So you were probably reading along and read that in winter time Yeshua (which is the Hebrew name of Jesus) went to something called Feast of Dedication. You probably like me didn’t have a clue that what he went to was actually Hanukkah! Hanukkah in Hebrew means dedication or to dedicate! It’s so exciting when you search and study God’s word what you find out. I’ve never…
The World or the Word? A Letter Makes All the Difference.
Everyday, I’m blessed because Dad and I forgave each other. God keeps blessing me because of that obedience. I was given some amazing scripture books that were Dad’s. I’ve been in deep prayer asking for wisdom, discernment and understanding on some of the things I’ve been reading in the bible. I’ve found profound truth in this book, exact answers to questions I’ve asked the Lord. This book is called the Studies in the Scriptures which were first written in the 1886. This writing today was inspired by the revelations in this book. ———————————————————————————————— When you accept Yeshua as your Messiah, you are reconciled with God under the Grace Covenant.…
God Sent A Messenger!
Night before last, I had a dream of a beautiful black woman from a foreign land. I was speaking to her at her place of work. There was other parts of the dream; however, I have not received clarity on their meaning yet. Yesterday, I went grocery shopping to buy a few things. As I approached the check out lanes, I felt that I was being led to a certain lane with a certain checker. A strong thought said, two times, not this lane, no not this lane. I moved my cart a few times. As I approached this particular lane, a strong thought said, “yes this one.” A beautiful…
In The Storms of Life
This rain and storm feels like a blessing to some and a curse to others. But through both sides of this experience we will see God, through the Holy Spirit moving in all directions. He will come in the hearts of rescuers, through those who pour in donations and felt in the hearts of those who receive the love. He will be in the hearts of strangers who lend a helping hand. People will find themselves praying constantly, even for strangers they never knew. Many will pray for protection, guidance, even crying out to the Lord for help. We will put our faith into action and our dependence on…
Divided or United?