Is the “I’ll in Your Life Making you ill? “
Significant Signs: God’s way of Getting Your Attention! Ever noticed that I’ll and ill are so similar? When we trust in ourselves instead of God, it seems that we end up ill! We are either mentally drained, exhausted or physically ill! You’ll find that trying to control everything, including the lives of others; can really make you sick. You feel drained, helpless and tired! How about the word tired and Tried…look how similar the words! Same letters, just mix them up a bit. Putting all the effort in yourself with the, “I tried this” or “I tried that” is just going to make you TIRED! Speaking of tired, my friend…
Scripture for the Day: Jeremiah 29: 11, 12
God’s Goal is To Bring Continous Growth to Us! Life can cause much pain and heartache, but if you allow it, the journey can bring forth true wisdom and spiritual growth. My life has been a series of ups and downs. My parents had a nasty divorce when I was a child; I lived through an abusive step parent, surrounded by alcoholism and cult type activity in the home, torn apart by the suicide of my Grandpa and had a long 11 year estranged relationship with my Dad. Oddly enough, I would not change a thing. God has equipped me with a wonderful story and complex journey. I’ve learned so much and have been able to help so many …No matter our…