• Your Christian Life Coach

    Your Story: His Story

    I’ve been seeing a lot of people lately that have been put in chains with shame or embarrassment because of past mistakes. People can be cruel to spread gossip or share what is deemed private or personal information. It seems we are still held captive by “what the world thinks” or being “judged.” Most of us have a slew of stupid things we’ve done in our teens and early 20s ranging from drinking escapades, sexual encounters and drugs. Trust me when I say that I’ve repented a lot over those years and beyond! First, go to the people you’ve hurt or think you might have caused grief, openly admit with…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Ask Me First.

    The other day I was going to make some Moringa tea. I heated up some water in a pot and dropped some tea bags into the water. I’m not sure how I got side-tracked but soon the house started smelling terrible. I ran into the kitchen and realized I had forgotten my tea brewing. The bags were stuck to the bottom of the pot, dried and black. I’m surprised I didn’t start a fire. I filled the pot up with water and soap. First, I let it sit. Then, I scrubbed hard with several different type of kitchen scrub brushes. I mean absolutely nothing would remove the black from the…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    To Dwell is Hell.

    Have you ever got sick of hearing yourself talk or think about a subject? If you’re like me sometimes you just want to make yourself  shut up already!   Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.  Your head is spinning, blood pressure rising, and you get all worked up for nothing.  Our bodies often send alarm bells that we are not in line with the Heavenly, and we need to listen! I’ve been thinking a lot lately about negativity and echoing in my mind is ” To Dwell is Hell.” To dwell has two main meanings. One is to live in or at a specified place. The other is to repeatedly or habitually THINK, SPEAK…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    My Bad Response to the Accident

    Despite my display of love at the accident and many stories I’ve told sharing grace and protection of Jesus ( Yahshua), I have to tell you that the Spirit of Fear and Anxiety took this as an opportunity to oppress.  After the accident, I was without a vehicle for a few weeks, even putting off a rental car because frankly I did not want to get back into a car. You know those two muscles on the front of your neck, man were they sore. Then on the next day, the tops of my shoulder muscles felt like raw meat from gripping the steering wheel. I guess I tensed up.…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Your Response Under Pressure…

    The day was a quite productive day . I did the lawn. The kids and I did a bible study at the library. We cleaned the house as a team. We were wrapping up our day of chores with some fun, headed to Main Event because on Monday you can do all the games for around 10 bucks.   Before we left the house, my son asked if he could practice driving by driving on our road over to his friends house. I said, ” No. ”  He said, “Mom, you are only saying no because of the dream you had about a car accident. ”  ” You’re right Slade.” Within…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Watch Out for the Spirit of Entitlement

    Lately, my husband and I have been disappointed with all the people who have a sense of entitlement. Sometime it surfaces with people thinking they are “better” who pull rank or position to show superiority over others. Sometimes entitlement comes with people who expect and think they deserve special treatment or favors. We run into the spirit of entitlement even when being charitable. There are people who feel they are entitled to: help, money, services and your time. Entitled people are masters of manipulations and getting their way, even disguising with cleaver wording or phrasing in a way to get the most assistance. More and more, people think they have a…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Practice Gentleness

       When we are tired, we can be abrupt or short with each other, with our families and with our kids. Our corrections of misbehavior or annoyances can be translated in an elevated tone.  How many times have we yelled out ” Pick up your trash” or “Come on! Let’s go!” in a tone that is anything but gentle. Even the mere conversation about where to go out to eat, sometimes can turn into a less than gentle response or tone. Annoyingly, answering ” I don’t care ” “Well, I don’t care either.” Is life really so exhausting that no one can make a decision? Or respond happily to a…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Discipline is the Way of Life

    I’ve been incorporating daily reading of proverbs and psalms into my quest to complete the bible again, the word “discipline” keeps coming up, especially as it correlates with one that possesses wisdom. When we practice discipline as to pursue righteousness and purity, we begin to see people, situations and even ourselves differently.  Purification enables us to represent the kingdom in a more favorable light.  Father often will send messengers to warn us and correct us when we are on destructive paths. The problem is that we stubbornly fail to heed the warning or redirection. Criticism and correction is not always easy, but remember an undisciplined child is no child of mine.…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Being Deliberate in Positiveness! By Shea Brewer

    What if I told you that many days you are strolling through this life holding the hand of the wrong Father, a demonic Father of lies, Satan. Through your thoughts, your words and your actions, without even knowing it, you grabbed Devil Daddy’s hand. He leads you deeper into: confusion, despair, depression, sickness, poverty, loneliness and the list goes on.   Without a conscious and deliberate decision to stay in the positive, to stand on the Father’s promises and word,  our minds can so easily shift to full on stinking thinking and negative speaking. If we get on that rhythm, it’s a sure fire way to sink deeper into a…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Big Mess of It by Shea Brewer

    This week while boiling water for Braxton’s spinach stuffed noodles, I asked Brax to help me clean up some Mother’s Day crafts I had been doing in the kitchen. She grabbed a box that I have that resembles a fishing box. There are many little sections within the plastic box and inside each little area of the box are different things. In one section, tiny beads, another section rhinestones, another section little shells and the list goes on. It’s a box of a million little bitty craft items. I wasn’t paying attention to what she was cleaning up. I was busy watching water, waiting for a boil, when all of…
