Your Christian Life Coach

2 Choices: Change Your Perspective or Change Your Direction?

The other day I was mad at myself because I was in a funk.  The weather at the beach was terrible. The skies were dark, water calm and the beach didn’t look pretty at all. I was sulking about something I couldn’t control and wasting precious time at the beach being bummed.

I sat in my lawn chair, thinking about how much it would cost to jump on a plane to St. John Virgin’s Island from Orlando. Then, wondering if the other side of Florida was clear skies and sun, should we drive to Clearwater Beach, only 2 ½ hours away? All I kept thinking was I’ve waited over 8 years to have a vacation alone with my husband, only to find dark skies and no surf. Whatever!

I sat there watching all the other people having fun:  walking their ducks down the beach, (yes I said pet duck) fishing, making sandcastles and enjoying the relief from the beaming sun. But not me, I was choosing to be sad, sulking terribly as I starred at the flat water.

Walking Pet Duck on Beach!


My blank stare soon turned to excitement. I spotted two dolphins arching their backs out of the water in sync. The duo seemed to be dancing together across the top of water.

Like a kid in a candy shop, I stood up out of my chair, screamed out and pointed to them. I think I scared the people walking on the beach around me. They probably thought Jaws was out there.  

Soon Dads were putting their kids on their shoulders and everyone smiled as they watched the dolphins cross our path. Watching two dolphins in their own environment, swimming freely in the calm ocean was amazing. At that moment, I decided we all have 2 choices: We can change our perspective or we change our direction.

Instead of changing directions and trying to head to another part of the world, which would take up time and money that I didn’t have, I changed my perspective. There were a thousand things I could do: while it’s cooler, I could go kayaking on the river and watch for more dolphins and manatees. Or close my eyes and listen to the relaxing to the sound of the waves. Or read a book without children interrupting.  

I had a manager a long time ago that used to say, “Where ever you are, you’re there.” Pretty annoying that he said it over and over, but if you think about it, it’s true. Where ever you are you’re there: so get  happy or get out of there!

There are so many times in life that we have absolute no control over a situation, like my friend who in a toxic work environment right now. She knows that she can’t change her perspective because she is constantly being talked down to, being blamed for mistakes she didn’t do.  So she is changing her direction, by sending out her resume, interviewing and getting out.

We can change our perspectives at home too with our daily grind like with our kids. Every day after my son takes a shower, he finds me in the house and asks me to towel dry his hair. The towel drying request usually comes when I’m in the middle of unloading the dishwasher or walking into the bedrooms with a hand full of clean clothes. I’m very goal oriented and like to finish a task completely before starting a new task, (yes OCD, different blog topic). The request frustrates me when I know he can towel dry his own hair, and I can finish what I’m doing.  He follows me around the house repeating over and over that he wants me to stop right then and there to towel dry his hair. I find myself snapping at him, saying “You are 6; why can’t you do this by yourself?”

Trust me, I’m praying for Mommy patience and usually ask God to hurry up on it already. Does that give you any insight into my level of patience?

With the day to day with my kids, changing my perspective and patience is the key. Instead of getting annoyed, I’m working on stopping, and taking a deep breath and smile as I towel dry his hair. My thoughts now are how sweet that my little boy needs me and wants my help. Because one day he won’t ask for my help and the idea of his mom towel drying his hair will be horrifying. It’s hard to wrap my mind around that one day my son will be a man.

Life on earth is short, so we should embrace every day and make the most out of it. We have the power in our minds to make sunshine in our lives through changing our perspectives or changing direction.

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  • Is there a place where you need to change your perspective on a situation?
  • Is there a place in your life where you need to make positive steps a different direction? Start Stepping!

Scriptures Today:

Numbers 6:24-26
“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Ephesians 1:3
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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