Your Christian Life Coach

Carrying You Through Fear

The Stetson Man is 4 months, 6 days today. He has received his distemper and parvo vaccinations and now he is free to leave our safe space near our home. He can go on a walk to the sidewalk across the street.

With all my border collies, the most beloved time was our walks together enjoying the hills and bonding with neighbors and nature.

We had been walking him to the tree about 300 feet down our driveway and turning back home while we waited for the immunity to kick into these deadly diseases.

Finally, we have some freedom to roam. Stetson trusts me but not enough that it overcomes his fear of the unknown. The sounds of distant cars and even the wrestling of the trees spook him a bit. But it’s so precious to see him notice everything for the first time like hummingbirds that visit our yard for nectar or see him chase the butterfly dancing from flower to flower in our yard. I could film a children’s movie with his precious curiosity.

When get to the tree on the driveway, despite his trust in me, he gets paralyzed in fear and stubbornness. He is a hard, stubborn stop, unwilling to budge, even wanting to play tug of war to bolt back home.

Because I know what is around the corner for him, a lifetime of fun walking in our beautiful area I push a bit. When he gets to the tree, I must pick him up and carry him across the street.

He fights me, even as I carry him, not trusting, trying to wiggle worm his way out of my arms. Doesn’t he realize I am the one who is here to protect him?

As I was doing this, the Holy Spirit spoke a lesson through this illustrator.

“In your life Shea, there have been times you were unsure of uncertainty, the unknown scared you. You didn’t fully trust me, even though I was right there and would not let anything hurt you. I knew what exciting things were around the corner for you. You might have to overcome some uncomfortableness to get to where you needed to be but once you were there, you would look back and say, ‘It was all worth it.’ When you are terrified or scared to move forward, I too pick you up and walk you through the scary parts. “

Since leaving my job, even though I need the money, I am more at peace, more joyful and find myself smiling and cutting up more. I am trusting God has something exciting around the corner for me too. At times he walks side by side. At other times he holds my hand, sometimes he hugs me and other times, I know I am being carried.


Reflection and Visualization:

If you are facing an unknown, unchartered waters, if you feel fear…

* Close your eyes and imagine Jesus holding your hand, having his arms around you, hugging you, laying his hand on your hurt part or shoulder or in some cases just carrying you through a situation.

Take a series of deep breaths. As you do, imagine feeling HIS tremendous love for you and HIS ability to handle and heal all situations.

At the end of one of the breaths hold it for a few seconds. Exhale all that anxiety and fear. If it’s not gone, do it again breathe several breaths and then hold and exhale.

 Then say out loud, “I command the spirit of fear and anxiety to leave me in the Mighty Name of Yahshua.” ( Jesus)





I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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