Your Christian Life Coach

5th Letter to Church of Thyatira: Revelations

Background: Continuation of the Vision or Visitation that John had in Patmos Island.

One thing right away struck me, Did the Angel write this, not John?

“To the angel of the church in Thyatira, write.” HMMMM interesting.

For some reason, they mention Jesus’s eyes of blazing fire and feet of bronze. ( Harsh judgment? Unshakable strength? ) 

Jesus commend them for improvement.  They were doing more than in the beginning. 

These are the things that Jesus is looking at: God is constantly searching hearts and minds.

  • Deeds- Each will be repaid according to their deeds. 
  • Love
  • Faith
  • Service
  • Perseverance- Hold unto what you have until Jesus returns, you will be given authority over the nations and “hidden manna”

Here are the things Jesus is Against: 

Tolerance of Jezebel types or leaders, influencers. Those that do this, he is patient with, giving them plenty of time to repent. If Jezebel’s do not repent, they will be casted onto an intense bed of suffering, this includes striking down her children. This includes those who have been seduced and fallen into her ways. The Jezebel in the letter could be a prophetess who has gained influence or a leaders wife. 

Little Bit about Jezebel : Thrown from a window, trampled, body eaten by dogs. Jezebel’s will eventually be destroyed in a horrific way if they don’t repent and change.

  • Misleads servants into sexual immorality- fornication
  • Eating Food Sacrificed to Idols & idol worship particularly tied to Baal.
  • Orders death to God’s Prophets
  • She silences voices of God.
  • Replaces God’s places of worship with Altars to Demons, like Baal.
  • Doesn’t take No for An Answer: A Bully, Over powering, Controlling, Influential
  • Plots to Kill and Conquer
  • Taunts people and prophets
  • Promotes sensuality and uses her sexuality to get what she wants.
  • Evil intentions and manipulative

Baal: rain god, prayed to help in droughts, crops, rainfall, fertility, help with pregnancy, success in battle. Rooted in sensuality, ritualistic prostitution, human sacrifices- especially babies. Often adults gathered around while infants are burned alive, sacrificed. Priests were overjoyed to inflict injury.  This group influenced Jews during judges, widespread indoctrination during Ahab’s leadership ( really Jezebel’s)

Elijah has a victory over Baal at Mount Carmel. Baal becomes Zeus to the Greeks and Jupiter to the Romans and Thor to the Germans and Norse. (Thors-day- Thursday- God help us) 

  • Worship of animals and creation- extremism with environment- would not cry at the sacrifice of a baby yet if an animal is mistreated- overly concerned.
  • Really into child sacrifice. ( Modern Day Abortion is far worse)
  • Sexual Immorality ( Orgies, Rituals, Homosexuality, Trans-Cross dressing, Incest, Rape, Multiple partners, Adultery)

(Lightening bolt, stalk of wheat or helmet with bull horns often depicted)


Many bible enthusiasts think a spirit of Baal has entered our land. Perhaps, Elijah will be sent again, the one taken by God, who did not die but was taken will return again before Jesus returns and part of his mission is to dismantle modern day Baal worship. There are still sacrifices made that replicate Baals ways, in addition to the abortions. Sexuality is heightened especially in America. 

Pray: Pray against the Jezebel and Baal Spirits in America. Cast them out of our land. Ask God to give you wisdom to identify anyone who may have the Jezebel spirit in them then pray that it leaves.



I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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