Your Christian Life Coach

6th Letter: Church of Philadelphia, Finally Some Good News!

The word Philadelphia means “Brotherly Love.”

An Angel wrote this letter too as instructed by Jesus to do so. The Words are holy and true from the one that holds the “key of David.” ( For unbelieving Jews this should spark some interest)

I love this: ” What Jesus opens no one can shut and what he shuts no one can open.”

I often pray, ” God open doors that need to be open and shut doors that need to be shut.”  I was unaware that what I was saying aligned with the Letter to the Philadelphia church in the book Revelations. But definitely cool. 

Jesus says in this letter he knows their good deeds, he has witnessed their strength in the midst of a culture that’s traditions, worship and beliefs are against him. But this church kept their word despite the social, cultural and family pressures. He is going to make those who are devoted to Satan (knowingly or unknowingly), those preaching beliefs and practices that oppose the word, those that have oppressed his followers to acknowledge that God has always loved the ones they have mocked and hurt.   He acknowledges that this church has patiently endured much grief. 

But he also says be careful that you don’t slip and someone takes your crown. That indicates to me that once saved always saved is bogus. You can backslide, fall into temptation or be lured into a situation where your crown of salvation can be taken. Mere words will not get you into heaven. Deeds matter and the proof is in the pudding.  Claiming but not living the word is high risk with eternal ramifications. 

I want to point out that when these letters were written parts of the new testament could have possibly been written but it was not a thing. The WORD was the Torah and all the books of the prophets. A good idea is to look at the books Jesus quoted or read from: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 &2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Job, Zachariah, Haggai, Habakkuk, Micah, Jonah, Joel, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea and Malachi. 

If you are in a church that leans heavily on Paul Teachings of grace with no emphasis on deeds, you should definitely spend time studying all the teachings of Jesus from Old Testament. The letters to the churches with emphasis on deeds and James words should rattle an awakening of what is important to Jesus.

I found out that this Philadelphia region and city was known to have frequent devastating earthquakes.  In fact, there was a massive earthquake during Tiberius’s reign in 17 A.D. This church had endured not only the cultural challenges but also natural disasters. 

For their patience and their devotion, he said he will keep them from an “hour of trial that will come on the whole world to test those who live on earth. “

He told them hold onto what you have ( faith, hope, patience, the word, obedience, strength, repentance etc) so that no one will take your crown. He is coming Soon, the scripture says. 

What came to me is this. The Saints, the believers who have not bent or morphed to societies social norms, unlawfulness, those that have stood strong on the word both old and new, the commandments of God, will go through huge trials like massive earthquakes, but will be protected before the big world testing.

Note that several prophetic voices have prophesized big earthquakes on the fault line on the west coast and the one near the Mississippi river. I believe we are ramping up to the first current waves of massive natural disaster trials. But this doesn’t compare to the big testing that will come on the entire world. Who knows what they will be. It could be an Asteroid name Wormwood, it could be Aliens coming and saying they are the Creator or it could be World War III. It could be another manmade plague, or earthquakes all over the world causing tidal waves of destruction swallowing up large portions of land and islands. Who knows, but I don’t want to be here!

I’ve watched enough movies and predictions to imagine terrible things. In fact, the tornados this year were off the charts. And Revelations describes some pretty terrible horror/ thriller film events. 

But the good news is that the Philadelphia church will not have to go through the big testing, we will be taken and made to become a “pillar of the temple.” I said “We” because I want to beam out of here before it HEATS up. ” Please, Jesus, Please.”

The Philadelphia church, those that fit into this category of believer will get marked by God as His. He will write God’s name, the city of God on each of us. Plus, each chosen child will get a new name from God. Kind of like Sarai to Sarah, Saul to Paul  or Jacob to Israel. 

Perhaps, when Philadelphia is spared from the world testing, it is the rapture of the church.  A rapture of sorts could come sometime in the tribulation or pre-tribulation. I’m not sure how to measure any of it, since we have had so many horrific things happen in history- wars and rumors of wars etc.

But my spirit says that we’ve seen a ramping up of weird stuff and broadcasted blasphemy. I mean every Dad has a breaking point with his children, how much will he put up with before he disciplines or goes off? 

There is a mass Advertising campaign for Satan’s Synagogue to sway against the principles and people of God right now. It is in your FACE! It is everywhere- school, stores, the gas station, the doctors office, the OLYMPICS! God help us!

They seem to have a huge advertising budget that stretches to the ends of the earth. I know this, that one day God who is the Judge will hammer down with the biggest Guilty verdict they have  ever seen. I have been in advertising a long time. God copyrighted the rainbow to be a promise not to flood the earth again. He loves us so much that he made a colorful,  sweet reminder in the sky of his love.

Satan can’t just steal someone’s logo and use it for an entirely different campaign, not without massive ramifications. People better WAKE UP. You think you are AWAKE but you are ASLEEP. You can’t endorse baby killing, sex trafficking, hate and sexual perversion and it be okay.

We must be UNITED by the Word of God, His Love, Devotion to His Ways. Before it’s too late.


I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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