Your Christian Life Coach

I Am With You

I am the God of your father.

Last weekend, I was watching the Bible on the History Channel.

I really enjoyed watching last weeks episode about Moses.  Can you imagine being on the top of a mountain and seeing a bush that is on fire but not burning up? Then, as you get closer, the bush speaks to you in a commanding voice and calls out your name! Then you hear the words, ” I am God of your Father.”  

” I will be with you. ” 

This time after watching the story of Moses and the Burning Bush,  I began to imagine this same thing happening today in my life.

What if I was sitting at home pondering all the uncertainties of my life? For example, what if I was sitting on the sofa in my living room with my laptop at hand researching all the things I could find on dyslexia?  Lately,  I have been consumed with learning all the ins/outs of dyslexia and  feeling consumed and  anxious about doing the right thing for my son,  who will soon be diagnosed.

Let’s say on a given day I was engulfed in my dyslexia research. Then all of the sudden, I hear the sound of fire and feel the warmth on my face.  I  would look up over my laptop towards the corner of my living room to find  a glowing fire surrounding but not cosuming my reading lamp which sits on side table next to my sofa. My heart would probably pound out of my chest; instinct would compel me to run to the kitchen for water to put the flames out. When I rise from the sofa, I hear the powerful voice of God coming from the fire surrounding the lamp saying, ” I am with you Shea. I am your partner in everything. Do not worry about your son.”

If this happened to any of us would we continue to worry? Well, some of our families would probably put us in the insane asylum, but that’s a different story…But if that happened, we  would not worry! Why would we  fear or worry about anything  if we  knew God was with us? After all He’s God! There would be no reason to worry. 

Life is tough sometimes but have comfort knowing that God has your back. He has a plan. Trust Him.  Moses had a much more dangerous task than most of us. But he didn’t fear Pharaoh or the uncertainty of leading the people to the Promise Land because God spoke to Him and assured Him.  

God might not produce that big glowing fire and confirm with those kind of spoken words , but rest assured.  He walks with us in every situation daily. Talk to Him and ask Him to be  your partner in everything.  Feel peace knowing that He is with you, and that He has your best interest at heart..HE’s GOD and he loves you!  So whatever you’re worried about today…Take a deep breath and feel confident knowing that your life partner is God himself!

Just thinking that puts my mind to ease.

Bible reading:  Exodus 3: Moses and the Burning Bush

1. Invite God to be your partner in everything. List all the hot topics that you want to give your business Partner.

2. Thank God for being you life partner. Through good times and bad times, being grateful and gracious for what is going right is so important.  Pray during the storms…pray when things are smooth…


I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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