Your Christian Life Coach

Ask Me First.

The other day I was going to make some Moringa tea. I heated up some water in a pot and dropped some tea bags into the water. I’m not sure how I got side-tracked but soon the house started smelling terrible. I ran into the kitchen and realized I had forgotten my tea brewing. The bags were stuck to the bottom of the pot, dried and black. I’m surprised I didn’t start a fire.

I filled the pot up with water and soap. First, I let it sit. Then, I scrubbed hard with several different type of kitchen scrub brushes. I mean absolutely nothing would remove the black from the pot. Then, I thought, ” Okay, I’ll put some soap and water in the pot and boil it. ”

So I did that twice. I brought the pot back over to the sink, running cold water over the hot parts, rolled up my sleeves and scrubbed hard. I was scrubbing so hard that my hand was starting to hurt and shoulder starting to pop. So frustrated that my efforts were futile I rolled my tired shoulder in circles backwards, shook my wrist and took a few deep breaths. Then, looking sadly at that pot I thought, ” This is stupid: I should just throw this old pot in the trash.”

I kept on anyway. The house was quiet. I was the only person home. My mind was clear and not muddied with the problems of the world or pre-occupation of any kind. That’s when I heard a quiet whisper in my mind, ” Put Olive Oil in it. It will come off. “

As I am walking towards the pantry, I’m almost arguing my own ideas with the Holy Spirit , ” Don’t you think that vinegar might work better. ”

Then, I thought, ” Just listen to me. ”

So I grabbed the olive oil and took it back to my torturous scorched pot. I dumped a bunch of olive oil in the bottom. I wasn’t scrubbing nearly as hard as I was before, because frankly I was fed up and tired of the battle.

As soon as I lightly scrubbed with the olive oil on the bottom, I mean like instantly the burned black tar lifted, creating a milky grayish white substance on the bottom of the pot. Man this was easy. In a matter of minutes, that pot looked better than it did before the burn episode.

After I finished cleaning the pot, I quietly heard in my thoughts, ” Why didn’t you ask me first.” As I dried the pot and put it under the cabinet, I was thinking how glad I was that I listened and obeyed the strong thought that flew in my frustrated stillness. Second, I’m glad I didn’t cancel out that inspired instruction with my own wisdom of vinegar.

But more importantly, I was thinking, ” You’re right. I should have asked you first,”

All this week, I’ve been thinking about this event and sharing it with you. How often do we really ask the Holy Spirit for the best way? We usually just jump into to something without praying for direction. The Father has the best ideas. His way is easy. Our way is usually harder. So next time before you make a move or respond: pray. Then, remember you can’t be so crazy preoccupied, busy with life that you can’t hear. You need quiet time. Sometimes for me he speaks when I’m quietly cleaning the kitchen, just before I open my eyes in the morning, in the car with the radio off or when I’m taking a bath. ” Be Still and Know.

My go to favorite prayer especially with real estate, building projects or employment is: ” Open the doors that need to be open and close the door that need to be closed. In fact, Abba Daddy, please cement shut anything you do not want me to be involved with…Make your way crystal clear for me so I know what I should or should not do.”

Some people think that God doesn’t care about our simple tasks to clean pots or pick out the perfect dress for a special occasion. But that is just not true. He is a loving Father that does not want His children to struggle with anything. He loves our daily dependence in the little thing and big things. Good Dad’s, love it when their children seek advice and guidance. So before you start anything, address anything… Ask, ” What is the best way? ”

There is no point to struggle like I did with that silly pot. 

Bible Story: Joshua was a great guy, almost flawless compared to some other bible characters. But remember when the Gibeonites posed as a people from a faraway land, they loaded their donkey’s with worn-out sacks and old wineskins. They made their sandals and clothes look old like they had been traveling for decades. They went to extremes in the masquerade, even carrying old dried moldy bread in their satchels

Things are not always as they appear to be. We know that Satan himself poses as angel of light. Some things can appear good but remember our enemy comes to deceive, destroy, confuse and misguide. Joshua did not pray for guidance or advice before he made a treaty. Because he did not ask first before acting, he made a terrible mistake. Bottom line: Ask God First.

Read Joshua 9: The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord. 1Then Joshua made a treaty of peace with them to let them live, and the leaders of the assembly ratified it by oath.” -Joshua 9:14-15

Reflection Exercise: Are you thinking about pursing something? Responding to someone? Are you worried about a troubled child or friend, wondering how to guide? Making a life change? Write down. Then, pray for guidance.

Example Prayer: Father, I do not want to make a mistake or do anything without your approval. I seek your blessing and guidance with the situation _______________. Please make your path and direction crystal clear for me. In Yahshua’s name ( Jesus), I thank you in advance for protecting me from the evil one and for guiding me in this situation. Amein. ( Amen)

I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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