Farming a Dying Art By Shea Brewer

This morning, I was plucking weeds out of my garden, watering the seeds and my new baby plants.
With the birds chirping, the cool breeze on my face, barefoot and still in my PJ’s, I was quiet enough to hear Abba. Questions popped into my mind in the stillness of he morning as I bent over to pull weeds and to water:
Have you wondered why so much of my teachings pertain to seeds, trees, plants, roots and vines?
Do you see when you pull those weeds up you must be slow and precise or else the root will stay and appear again?
I sprayed off my dirty feet and hands, and came inside to sit at my desk. I was pulled to a tiny tablet just right of my laptop unable to open my computer; these words poured out of me without effort and without thought. The words filled up page after page on this tiny tablet, perhaps inspiration from the Holy Spirit for all of us.
Wrote quickly on my tablet:
If a seed is in darkness but not too far in, it will reach towards the light and break forth from darkness often. But it must be watered by both man and the creator and a healthy amount of light must be present to produce a plant.
If the seed is planted too deep into darkness, it will not gravitate towards the light but will die in darkness, rot, eaten by mold, fungus, decay, and predators like worms. The only way a seed that finds itself too deep into darkness will find light is with assistance. Man driven by the creator must help the seed be dug out. He must move the seed closer towards the light. We must water and analyze to make sure the seed has access to sufficient light.
We as believers, filled with the Holy Spirit, we must help these lost seeds out of darkness, using our hand to move them towards the surface. We must water them with the word, the truth of purity, love and prayer. We must help deliver them from the grips of darkness, counsel them and feed them often with nourishment of His word and Yahusha’s advice on how to live. We must fertilize with the creators truth and love.
Once these seeds burst out from the surface of darkness, we must tend to those baby plants with care and not to neglect them as they are fragile. Often times this takes a team of gardeners, to help with the great task of maintaining the garden. Helping bring someone out of darkness, can be too much for one person. Gardening takes many hands to thrive.
Farming is a dying art. The farmer must be patient, nurturing, have wisdom, knowledge and work hard and long hours.
The Apostles were Farmers and we are to be too. They devoted time and attention to the harvest to prepare and save souls for the new Eden. They were willing to sacrifice their time, talent, family, energy, and their very lives to save lost sheep from the enemies influence and grip. The Holy Spirit led them to the people that were ready.
We too are Yahusha’s disciples on earth, set apart to bring light into darkness to teach the spirit of repentance that brings forth a new life and real change. We are to help these people bring forth fruit. Without our help these seeds, will be stuck in the darkness of destruction. We must do something. We cannot have passive faith with out action.
We are called to tend to the garden, to pluck out choking weeds like past pains and trauma that kills the spirit. We must help people get to the roots of their strongholds that keep them buried in sadness and anger, both which chokes out the Holy Spirit within us.
The set-apart ones do not have an easy task but the end result will be smiles, hugs, joy, happy tears in the new Kingdom when we gaze into the eyes full of light, embracing those you helped out of darkness and into Jesus’s arms. Words and emotions will be absent as nothing will describe the experience of singing, praising, worshiping in thanksgiving with the creator, celebrating the joy of all those who were saved.
We are called to be Farmers to help in the harvest of lost souls, to bring people into a new life of love, hope, peace and righteousness.
My Advice:
We must start today. If you see someone hurting, help them out of the hole, invest in the kingdom. When the enemy throws up road blocks as the Holy Spirit moves through you: pray, bind up the enemies assignments, pray for warrior angels to assist. Remember, to pray blessings and peace over that person.
You through Yahusha’s life, love and resurrection were given power and authority over all enemies seen or unseen. You have been called for action as believers.
Keep your eyes out for opportunity to teach, baptize, free people from strongholds, spirits and pray with people. Wherever the opportunity arises, the Holy Spirit will show up at the grocery store, at the gas pump, while getting an oil change, at school, at a sporting event. Hurting people, who are held in captivity by the enemy are everywhere. Pray that your eyes are open, and you have a heart like Jesus ( Yahusha)
Praying with strangers will be uncomfortable at first but remember: No risk, No reward. We must be bold for Yahusha. People’s eternal lives depend on us, we are the Farmers of His eternal garden. We must resurrect the ART of the great commission: Farming: Helping Bring Forth Fruit.
Mark 16: 15-18
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
- Do you pray out loud with strangers, people you see hurting? Are you bold in your faith?
- Have you invested time into someone who you feel is in darkness?
- Are you constantly at work for the kingdom? Do you have your spiritual radar up?
- Are you in constant prayer for those struggling?
- Have you got to the root of all your pain, short comings?
- Ask Holy Spirit to wash you in areas of your life that are not clean. Take it from you. Healing Prayer Session: If you would like to schedule a prayer healing session with me to help release you from strongholds like not forgiving, sadness, past trauma, depression, anger: email me. We can set up healing session on the phone or in person. I love you and want you to be Free. We were given the power to resurrect your life by the Holy Spirit in Yahusha’s ( Jesus’s) name by the power coming from the throne of the Father!