Hat’s Off To You!
I plopped into salon chair and wiggled my tiny sixth grade frame back.
As she played with my long straight hair, the stylist asked my mom, ” What are we going to do today?”
My mom said, ” I thought a pixie cut would be cute.”
Not knowing what a pixie cut was exactly, I trusted and agreed to let them chop off my mane of hair. Within in minutes, my long hair fell to the floor and a sixth grade version of Carol Brady starred back at me in the mirror. The top of my hair was so short that you could not get the smallest of curling irons around the hair. The back was longer like some bad 80’s rocker cut..I was devastated.
When I got home, I starred in the mirror and cried and cried. Mom quickly took me back up to the hair salon and asked if there was anything they could do to fix my hair. Of course they couldn’t; my hair was less than a 1/2 inch long on top!
Summer would have been a great time to hide and not be seen by critical junior high kids, but we had vacation bible school the very next week.
I told Mom, ” I am not going, I look dumb!”
She said, “Yes, you are going to vacation bible school hair or no hair. You look fine.”
The day before vacation bible school, I found a white sun hat with a very large brim. Inside my closet, I found a box of Madonna Bows. Each day, I tied a different colored netted material-girl bow on top of the white hat. I’m sure I looked ridiculous wearing the same hat everyday to church. By Day 3, the white hat looked dingy.
Mom finally had enough and took the hat away from me. She hid the hat under the sink in the utility room. I was determined to find that hat and looked everywhere. Once I found the hat, I shoved it into my bag and put it on once I got to church. We carpooled so she had no idea I found the hidden hat! Once again, I hid my hideous hair under an even more hideous hat!
When I got home I forgot to take off the sun hat, she screamed out, ” I told you not to wear that silly hat.”
She grabbed it off my head and said, ” I’m burning that hat!”
The next day I was forced to go to school without a hat. There was nothing to hide under. I walked into the classroom with a naked head. My head was down, eyes facing the floor in shame. I tried not to make eye-contact with anyone in the class. I quietly tried to blend into the group not making any sound or movement that would call attention in my direction.
I had a little crush on one of the boys in my class; the thought of him seeing this Brady bunch disaster haircut mortified!
Then, he said something that changed my entire outlook, ” I like your haircut.”
Then, others chimed in, ” I like your hair too.”
In an instant, I was not embarrassed anymore. From that day on, I walked into the classroom minus a hat and confident.
We’ve all heard the phrase, ” Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
But the truth is that all our words positive or negative can have an impact on a persons life. Sometimes our words inspire and motivate. Other times a simple careless slip of the tongue by accident or through anger can hurt someone deeply. Worse yet, sometimes we say things that really hurt and don’t even realize it. We wonder why the relationship is broken? What did we do? Only later to find out a small comment was the nail in the coffin on that relationship.
When we get to heaven, I hope that God will let’s me see all the wonderful ways I’ve touched people’s lives. Can you imagine seeing someone in heaven that you helped spiritually save? Can you imagine the love and gratitude and look in Christ’s eyes ..as he commends you on bringing someone to know and love Him.
On the other hand, over the years, I have not always been kind. As a younger person, I was quick to anger, to hold grudges and I said terrible things. Even now when frustrated, out of my mouth flies some ugly.
Like any parent, we all try to correct and coach our children. I am sure that if God pats me on the back for the good in my life which glorify’s Him, then there might be a moment of review of the not so good stuff I’ve done and said. Matthew 12:36 ESV “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak…”
I can only imagine how I will lower my head in shame before the Lord. I’ll probably wish that I had that big ugly white hat to hide behind when I get the replay of the damage I’ve done!
Luckily, because I have accepted the Lord as my Savior, and He shed the blood for all our sins….I am forgiven.
Lord knows I don’t deserve any forgiveness for all those terrible “word daggers” I’ve thrown. So as the bible says is “A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4 ESV So phrases to live by this week : ” Word UP! ( positive words inspired from above), silence is golden, bite your tongue, think before your speak.”Scriptures of the Day
Proverbs 18:21 ESV /
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Ecclesiastes 6:11
The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?
Proverbs 12:18 ESV /
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Ephesians 4:29 ESV /
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Proverbs 16:24 ESV /
Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Proverbs 15:1 ESV /
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 21:23 ESV /
Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.
Thoughts for the Day:
Reflect on a time when someones words made a positive impact on your life
Reflect when you said something that you wish you could take back. How did that affect others?
How often do you encourage others through the mention of God, Prayer and the word?
What can you do to be more cautious with your words?
Is there anyone in your life you need to apologize to for something you said? ( past or current)
Reflect on a time when you should have said “less” not more.
Reflect on a time when a few words made a huge impact on you.
Action item: Before you minster or counsel a struggling friend, pray that the Holy Spirit speak through you. Ask that God use you as an instrument to help others by placing HIS words on your heart.