Your Christian Life Coach

Last Letter of Revelations : Church of Laodicea

Jesus is the ruler of God’s Creation. 

There are claimed believers in Jesus that are neither hot nor cold. They are lukewarm. 

He says, ” I am about to spit you out…”

You live comfortably, you think you have everything you need, think of yourself as rich, blessed. 

But according to this letter, you are poor, wretched, BLIND and naked. 

Prepare yourself to be refined in FIRE. It’s the only way to potentially at this point to get your white robe. 

God rebukes and disciplines those He loves. 

Be Earnest.


Jesus is knocking, you need to open that door completely and continually.  Digest HIS word, let it be the engrained in the very fibers of your being. Then live His Word, not your variation of it. You can’t be a fair weathered friend to God. 

Be an Overcomer so that you will be able to sit with Him on His throne. 

Trials are coming for the lukewarm, half hearted. It’s your last chance to refine.

A refiner can tell if a metal is pure when it’s a glowing light!  A time is coming to test people’s faith to see if they will turn to a glowing light ( hot) or will stay, lukewarm or cold! Through fire- trials, impurities are revealed. Will you turn to him with all your heart? 

A disciple is a student or pupil, a devoted follower, who is taught and trained by a Master ( The Word/ The Spirit of Truth) and has an allegiance to their teachings.  Disciples often go through seasons of discipline, refinement to test and to grow. 

  1. Do you speak to God and Jesus daily? 
  2. Do you study the word daily? 
  3. Do you pray about all your life decisions, seek answers and confirmations from Him? 
  4. Do you repent of your sins daily? Or as you do or think them? 
  5. Do you serve God daily with serving the meek, weak, widows, poor, sick, suffering, sad? 
  6. How will you be Jesus on earth today? 
  7. During trials do you make lemon or lemonade? 

Jesus wants to be your best friend. Not A 911 operator or an acquaintance.

I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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