To Dwell is Hell.
Have you ever got sick of hearing yourself talk or think about a subject? If you’re like me sometimes you just want to make yourself shut up already! Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. Your head is spinning, blood pressure rising, and you get all worked up for nothing. Our bodies often send alarm bells that we are not in line with the Heavenly, and we need to listen!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about negativity and echoing in my mind is ” To Dwell is Hell.” To dwell has two main meanings. One is to live in or at a specified place. The other is to repeatedly or habitually THINK, SPEAK or WRITE about a specific subject that is a source of unhappiness, anxiety or annoyance. So when our Dwelling, the state of existence we build on is negativity, we are choosing by our thoughts to build a place of self-torture: HELL. Our thoughts literally make us or break us.
And the bible says there is death and life in the power of the tongue. So out of the same mouth we bless and curse; ourselves or others. It’s absolutely crucial that we think and speak with caution.
With my deliverance sessions, unclean spirits are often tied to negative thoughts and emotions. I often find that they enter through childhood or adult trauma. Through distorted emotions and memories, the enemy twists our reality, we forget who we are in Christ. Remember, the devil is a liar. He loves to whisper sweet NOTHINGS in your ears like you are not good enough or defeated. His goal is to stir things up in your brain, cause conflict and to get you to believe his lies. Once he gets you to step on that Negative Nelly bus, to adopt a pattern of Stinking Thinking… it’s game on- your under a full on attack. This attack can easily be overcome by concentrated effort to retrain your brain, by aligning your thinking with your MAKER.
Our perspective, the way we see and evaluate life, greatly effects our physical body and our relationship with the Father and others. We can’t control anything in this life but ourselves. We are made in the image of God; we are smart eternal beings, made for love. We have power over so much when we focus on pleasing God in all things. We are called to walk, act and think worthy of Jesus. The bible says we are established by every good word and work. And every word is started with a thought either positive or negative. Scripture tells us to avoid senseless talk and be an example to others in our behaviors: in love, in spirit, in belief and in cleanliness. As Joey said on Friends, “How you doing? ” If you are on the crazy train, you have the power to GET OFF and it starts today.
Here are some examples of emotions that usher in Heavenly blessings or A state of Hell, not to mention the unclean spirits that attach themselves to unhealthy emotions. It’s time for you to make a decision, a conscious decision to CHANGE your MIND.
State from Continuous Communion with Holy Spirit | Toxic Emotions from Toxic Thoughts |
Peaceful, Calm | Discontent, Disturbed, Troubled, |
Content & Prayerful in All situations | Anxious, Stressed, Worried. |
Happy, Inner Joy | Depressed, internally or externally frustrated |
Accountable: Repents, Humble | Blames, Relishes Victim Mentality, prideful |
Grateful/Thankful | Complains |
Trusting- Faithful | Uncertain, Fearful |
Forgiving | Unforgiving, Bitter, Resentful, Angry |
Loving, kind, gentle, peacemaker | Hateful, rude, sarcastic, mean, abrupt, selfish, combats |
Self Controlled | Addictive behaviors, Unruly & crude language, untamed tongue |
Steps to Stop Negative Thinking:
- Own Up: Repent for Negative Thoughts, Complaining and Dwelling. This could be to both God and those offended.
- Forgive anyone who has hurt you today or in the past. Apologize for your offenses. Eat some humble pie!
- Write down what is good. Focus on what’s right. Highlight the positives.
- Thank the Father, Praise, Sing. Spend time every morning first thing thanking him…
- Concentrate on all thoughts and feelings that fly in. Journal as you monitor thoughts and words. Are your thoughts and words positive or negative? Immediately repent and combat evil thoughts with Jesus inspired thoughts.
- Memorize and use scripture as weapon to fight in the toxic thoughts as they come in.
- Lastly, practice being in constant communication with the Holy Spirit as life happens. Ask Holy Spirit questions: How Should I respond? Am I pleasing you? Rebuke and renounce the enemy and the attacks by the blood of Jesus.
When you have habitually synchronized with the Holy Spirit, your dwelling place will be one of complete peace. This kind of tranquil peace will not make sense, it will transcends all carnal understanding. His presence and protection will guard your heart and your mind, because your thoughts are aligned with that of Christ Jesus. People will see Jesus in you. They will hunger for that kind of internal peace. Often, people that get to this place have people comment on their tranquility. This is your opportunity to give credit to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to share the Messiah. 🙂 Remember, you are a Child of Light!
Scriptures of the Day:
5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2: Corinthians 5: 10
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7